Category: 2016

Winter air temperature characteristics within Oltenia plain


The interannual and decadal variability and trends of winter (December to February) air temperature over the Oltenia Plain area is analysed for the period 1961 to 2010. The datasets cover monthly temperatures from six meteorological stations. The variability of the temperature data was analysed by means of standard deviation, the mean of three distinct sub-periods (1961-1990, 1971-2000, 1981-2010), as well as the mean of ten-year intervals. Linear regression and the non-parametric Mann-Kendall test were used to emphasize any trends present in the datasets. From the temporal variations viewpoint, an increase in temperature is observed particularly in the third and fourth decades, as the average values for the last decade mark a slight decrease in temperature. From the spatial distribution viewpoint, the most significant positive deviations characterize the northern and western part of the plain. Mann-Kendall test illustrates a monotonic upward trend all over the analysed region, but the results are not statistically significant except for the aforementioned parts of the plain for the entire winter season and February.

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Present-day geomorphological processes in the Vediţa catchment

Alina BEJINARIU  Anişoara STAN

The river Vediţa is situated in the middle section of the Cotmeana Piemont. It is delimitated Westwards by the hydrographical basin of the Vedea river and Eastwards by the hydrographical basin of the Cotmeana river. From a geological point of view, it is located in the Getic Ground, which was a sedimentation area. This area is made up of Cândesti Stata which are made of sand in alternation with gravel with lens of clay. This geological structure is the main factor for the present dynamics of the relief. In the hydrographical basin of the Vediţa river, the main processes regarding the relief dynamics are: torrents, scrunb in area, landslips and landslides. There are some elements which influence this processes, such as: the relief characteristics, the human land use and the climate parameters.

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Characteristics of demographical dynamics in the rural space of Constanţa county


This paper is meant to analyse the natural dynamics of Constanta county in the rural space between 1992-2011. This study is based on the necessity of highlighting the changes in the natural dynamic of the rural population as a result of a gathering of economic, political, social, natural and cultural factors that took place between the studied interval. The analysed rural territory consist of 58 communes that differ from one another from socio-economic point of view, aspect that determines several demographical patterns. A series of indicators (birth rate, mortality rate, natural increase and vitality index) were considered and correlated using data from the censuses of population and the statistical records of the territorial administrative units (communes) in order to reflect the quantitative and qualitative changes in demographic dynamics in rural space analysed.

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The demographic profile of the urban settlements in the mountainous disadvantaged area of Oltenia


The purpose of the present study is to present the demographic characteristics of the urban settlements situated in the mountainous disadvantaged area of the South-West Development Region, Oltenia. Following our analysis, several aspects have been asserted: the numerical evolution of the population and identifying categories of urban settlements as resulting from the demographic dynamics, the natural and territorial movement of the population, the demographic behaviour expressed by demographic potential and marriage stability, the indicators pointing out gender, age, ethnical and confessional structure of the population.

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Education in Bucharest City and its metropolitan area. Challenges, targets and opportunities

Florentina-Cristina MERCIU  Loreta CERCLEUX  Irina SAGHIN

Education is a key factor in economic development, in achieving jobs, social prestige, in improving the heath system, the cultural participation. Improving participation in education, reducing school dropouts, increasing the proportion of population following secondary and tertiary education are proposed solutions to reduce poverty, social exclusion, low paid jobs. The purpose of this article is to analyze the evolution of the population in terms of its inclusion in various level of education in Bucharest and its metropolitan area during the 1990-2010.

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The industry and economic dynamics of a tropical metropolis, assessment and stakes: the case of the town of Yaoundé in Cameroon


In Yaoundé, the industry is an important link to socio-economic life. Since the beginning of the 2000 decade, this activity has been creating pulling centres for the active population through the rich and diversified labour market in the urban and suburban spaces. This study examines the role of industrial location in Yaoundé and their effects on the economy and territory of this town. The specialisations of industrial sectors as well as the nature of capital involved in the creation of the industries of this space are most of the indicators that show the socioeconomic and spatial dynamics of the town.

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Touristification of loess sequences in Vojvodina


Geodiversity on our planet has been integrated into tourismas a special form of tourism: geotourism. In focus research are of loess sequences in Vojvodina (Serbia), as geoscience product and potential tourism resources. Loess sequences spread out on the 60% of the territory of Vojvodina. Analytical method and observation method was shown, the degree of geological research of loess sequences in Vojvodina (13 loess profiles), (1st goal of research). Scientifically researched loess sequences are located on the banks of rivers Danube and rivers Tisza. Applying the model of touristification the proposed steps and actions in the transformation of loess geosciences products into loess tourism product (2nd goal of research).

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Risk and resilience in the sustainable development of tourism


Tourism does not occur out of “nothingness”, an indefinite space, but it is an activity inserted in a particular geographical and sociocultural entity developed in a certain historical-political-geographic space and which has its own centres for potential, power and sustainable development force, interest groups, etc., with a special consistency and resiliency.
The significant resilience of Romanian tourism is that ability to withstand shocks, even to adapt well to “n” challenging situations like the economic crisis, the latest attacks launched in major capitals and tourist destinations (Istanbul, Paris, flues of all kinds, either avian or swine, the war in Ukraine, which favoured the development of cruise tourism, etc.), from which the Romanian tourism has emerged victorious, transforming many of these “shocks” into opportunities, emerging ever more powerful on the regional and international tourism market, itself subject to multiple metamorphoses.

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Types of evaluation used in extracurricular didactic-geographic activities

Elisabeta CIOCAN Oana IONUŞ

Extracurricular didactic-geographic activities contribute to the enhancing and the evaluation of the knowledge assimilated by the students during class hours. During these activities, the students can directly observe the phenomena and processes in nature, not being forced to use substitutes of reality as learning tools. Through the practical exercises performed, teamwork, the student-student, teacher-student relationship are improved. Students rediscover the motivation to learn, get involved in decision-making, approach innovatively: learning, transferring theoretical knowledge in practical activities.

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