Abstract: The activities undertaken by Constantine the Great in the Danube, but particularly in the north of them, will contribute not only to return the territory part of borders in Dacia Traian Empire, but also to strengthen of the Romanity and the large spread of Christianity.
This activity is resulting in a first phase, between 324 -328 years, in building a bridge over the Danube between Oescus and Sucidava, having intended to law Empire of the Carpathian-Danubian both because of the threat got that threaten northern borders, but especially to facilitate links between South-eastern Romanity and the Northern Danube. The bridge was inaugurated in the year 328 and is also known as the historical-literary sources and from observations on the ground.
Between 364-378, witnessing a weakening of the Roman rule in the Roman Oltenia, deducted from the monetary crisis in this period and attributed to the Gothic attacks in the south of the Danube and the riot of the usurper Procopius against Emperor Valens (364 – 378). A similar situation characterizes the period and 378 – 383, while also observed a monetary crisis, caused by the Germanic and Hun collisions.
Much more conclusive by the words attributed to the Emperor Iulian the Apostate (361 – 363) of Constantine the Great (306 – 337), which would have said: “the facts are perpetrated against the usurpers above Traian only, and are undoubtedly match His resume of the lands through which it acquired earlier ..”, the text is abundantly clear that what seems unsure if Constantine Chlorus, is undeniable on his son Constantine the Great.
A return to the Roman-Byzantine rule at the North of the Danube will take place in the true sense of the word, with bullish on the throne of Emperor Justinian. Between 530 and 533, it will send at the Lower Danube the General Chilbudios, which, after many expeditions against Slavs will conquest again some strategic points of Oltenia and Muntenia.
An important role in spreading Christianity and the north of the Danube must be played many bishops established in the IV century in close proximity to the Danube, which include: Aqua, Bononia, Ratiaria, Oescus in Dacia Ripensis, Naisus, and Sarda in Remesiana Dacia Mediterranean, and whose holders are attested during sinoade kept in different danubian territories. They sent probably horepiscopoi to strengthen the Christian faith in souls Dacian-Roman population, especially during and after the rule of Constantine the Great, and to consecrate some priests for the community needs.