Category: 2010

Emm. de Martonne’s work La Valachie and its influence upon the Romanian geographical school

Rasvan STROE

Abstract: The work La Valachie belongs to Emm. de Martonne’s early period, the author being the most prestigious geographer at global level in the first half of the 20th century. The book represents a synthetic treatise on a part of Romania, to which, besides the data supplied by Romanian naturalists, the most important contribution is offered by the author himself through his direct field research, choosing and valorising the itineraries that were the most promising from the scientific viewpoint. At present, this work presents geographical and historical relevance at the same time. If the chapters on population and economy can help exploring the realities corresponding to more than a century ago, the physical geography part opened the road and the research directions for the generations of Romanian geographers of the last century. The French scholar is the first geographer to realize modern scientific studies in Romania and, directly knowing the Romanian space, he will proceed to the first division on regions of the southern Romanian relief, which is mostly admitted by the later researches. This article realises a review in a time arch with an opening of more than one hundred years, aiming to catch de Martonne’s influences on the evolution of the Romanian geography, with a special view on geomorphology, the final regional table emphasizing the present limits and denominations of the relief units and subunits, where most of the registrations of the great French geographer are confirmed.

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Climatic and agroclimatic features of the summer 2010 within Oltenia

Ion MARINICA, Victor Viorel VATAMANU, Elena MATEESCU, Andreea Floriana MARINICA

Abstract: During the spring and summer of 2010, climatic evolutions were atypical. Following a severe 2009-2010 winter, the spring was cold and excessively rainy until March, normal from the pluviometric point of view in April and very rainy in May. The weather was cold in June, cool in July and it became normal in thermal terms in the last summer month, August, registering an upward average trend during both seasons. The cold weather started in the first part of the autumn of 2009, being a characteristic of the entire period. The rainfall regime registered higher values than the normal in June (very rainy), it was normal in July and less rainy in August. The combination between the thermal and pluviometric regimes during the analysed period led to the development of a real agroclimatic risk situation, as emphasized in the present paper. This analysis is useful for climatologists and agroclimatologists, emphasizing unusual aspects of the Oltenia climate.

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Analysis of bioclimatic indicators in white dominant area. Case study: the Northern sector of the Parang mountains

George Laurentiu MERCIU

Abstract: The main purpose of the study is to analyze the variability of certain bioclimatic indicators (the Winter Scharlau Index, the Summer Scharlau index, the Relative Strain Index-RSI, the Wind Chill index) in order to identify the degree of comfort felt by tourists in the white dominant area on the northern side of the Parâng Mountains. The necessity for this study is apparent in the context of the development of mountain tourism and that of winter sports tourism in the Parâng mountain resort in particular. The relevance of the results is also due to the analysis of the climatic parameters (temperature, relative humidity, wind) at two different moments in time during the tourist seasons (winter and summer). The Parâng Mountains feature a large area that favors skiing, which accounted for the tourist refurbishment of the white dominant area in the northern sector as early as 1960-1970. The typical features of the natural landscape and tourist accommodation facilities created in the Parâng mountain resort justify the heavy inflow of tourists from numerous regions in Romania in wintertime..

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Environmental protection and sustainable development in the Danube floodplain, the Drobeta Turnu-Severin – Bechet sector


Abstract: The floodplain sector under analysis is located in the south-western extreme part of Romania, covering a distance of about 260 kilometres between the towns of Drobeta Turnu-Severin (westwards) and Bechet (eastwards) and extending on variable breadths, from a few tens of meters to more than 14 kilometres (with greater extension near the settlements of Ciuperceni and Cârna). In the framework of its strategic and economic importance, of the food sources offered by the Danube floodplain and ponds, the human interventions within this unit were diverse and affected the balance and the metabolism of the natural ecosystems. In numerous cases, this type of intervention, under its multiple forms, led to irreversible changes of the environmental features. The present paper aims at analysing the theoretical and actual conservation status of the most important flora, fauna and habitat elements that are characteristic to the Danubian environment, as well as presenting some examples of good practices or financing sources that might contribute to the improvement of this approach in the prospect of the region’s sustainable development. The SWOT analysis allowed for a general, synthetic assessment of the quality of the environmental sub-systems within the Danube Floodplain sector under analysis and of their development possibilities in concordance with the sustainability principles.

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Water quality index – assessment method of the Motru river water quality (Oltenia, Romania)


Abstract: The present paper aims at determining the water quality on the Motru river and at establishing its usage domains as water resource. The method consists in the computation of the Water Quality Index on the basis of the physical-chemical and biological quality parameters that were registered at the monitoring stations placed on the Motru river (Cloşani, Broşteni, and Faţa Motrului). This index was computed for a long time interval (2000 – 2009) and it specifies the appropriate usage category, but it can also reveal the changes occurred at the level of the aquatic ecosystem. The novelty brought to the flowing water quality management consists in the underlining of the value of this index as potential indicator of the ecological state of the rivers.

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Draught impact on agriculture. Case study: Teleorman county


Abstract: The paper aims at analyzing the draught effects on the agriculture in Teleorman county. The draught phenomenon was registered quite frequently during the last years in Teleorman county, triggering a series of negative effects on agriculture, such as considerable diminution of main agricultural crops production and decrease of the income of the big agricultural producers.

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The qualitative analysis of the workforce from the perspective of professional disease incidence in the Petrosani Depression

Florentina-Cristina MERCIU (IANCU), Ilinca-Valentina STOICA

Abstract: This paper is focused on the study of professional morbidity caused by risk factors from the mining sector in the Petroşani Depression but also on analysing its influence on the quality of the workforce. Professional diseases generated in the coal-extraction industry, belonging to the category of degenerative diseases, profoundly affect the miners’ state of health, who still form a high proportion of the active population (40%). In this context, it is necessary to correctly identify the professional risks and to take measures to limit them, as well as to initiate actions to diagnose and to treat people ill with silicosis. At the same time, the high incidence of professional disease cases also impose a series of changes in the profile and distribution of the workforce.

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The evolution of population structure in terms of age groups and gender. Case study: the Saratel drainage basin (the Buzau Subcarpathians)

Ilinca-Valentina STOICA, Florentina-Cristina MERCIU (IANCU), Andreea-Loreta CERCLEUX (CEPOIU

Abstract: The age group structure of the population in the Sărăţel drainage basin was highlighted by means of an analysis of the three big age groups: 0-14 years, 15-64 years and 65 years and older. It revealed a gradual rise in the ratio of the elderly population, the main cause being the migration of the population during the communist period, which strongly disrupted the demographic evolution of the area analyzed. The population pyramid for 2002 highlights a clear difference between the southern part of the basin (the villages of Joseni, Policiori and Scorţoasa) and the northern part (villages of Creveleşti, Ghiocari and Budeşti), suffering from strong depopulation. The sex ratio highlights a trend towards a feminization of the area, as a result of social and historic events to have influenced these settlements in the long run.

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L’habitat insalubre au Maroc a la fin du XX-eme siecle

Mohamed ANIS

Abstract: Le but de cet article est de présenter certains éléments de l’habitat insalubre au Maroc à la fin du XX-ème siècle. Pour cerner l’habitat insalubre au Maroc dans toute sa complexité, une approche approffondie de sa problématique, de son contenu et des aspects qu’il revêt dans les différents tissus urbains s’avère indispensable; j’analyse ensuite les mécanismes de formation et de développement de ce type d’habitat; enfin, j’évalue les principales formes d’intervention publique (collectivités locales et opérateurs publics spécialisés) dans ce domaine.

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Historical landmarks regarding the spatial evolution of Craiova municipality

Cristina SOSEA (MARA)

Abstract: The importance of this study resides in revealing the geographical, historical and cultural conditions in which Craiova municipality extended its territory, but also the level of development that generated it. The process of territorial extension signified the change in the relations between the city and its contiguous territory, especially during the last hundred years, emphasizing an urban reality full of discrepancies, the consequence of the stochastic way in which the urban dynamics took place towards the periphery.

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City types in the former Inca Empire: ceremonial centers, capitals, mining towns and ports

Hajnalka GATAI

Abstract: The Andean region of South-America has been the cradle of big cultures and empires, up to the Inka empire as the last and biggest one, a synthesis of all the previous states of the region for more thousand years. A comparative essay of the pre-Inka imperial centres like Wari, Tiahunaco and Chan Chan, furthermore, Inka urbanization as the legendary lost city of Machu Picchu and the capital Cusco, with the new cities of Spanish foundation like Lima or the same Cusco, transformed into a Spanish colonial centre, can give a chronological view about the development of the urbanization in this region. A chapter apart presents special urbanizations like mining towns and ports. The study intends to depict the structure, the districts, the architectural style and the technical innovations of all these cities as well as the actual situation and the problems Lima must solve, a city that grew into a metropolis of the 21st century. In the end, some short reflections to remember the rural zone’s story and actual difficulties in the Andean countries are given.

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Possible paths for the development of tourism in Sremski Karlovci


Abstract: Sremski Karlovci is an ancient town, a spiritual polis, situated in Serbia (Vojvodina). The town has a favourable geographical position for tourism. It is located along the Corridor X, 6 kilometres from Novi Sad, the capital city of Vojvodina, on the national road to Belgrade. Sremski Karlovci is located on the right bank of the Danube river, on the north-eastern slopes of the Fruška Gora Mountain. It has been declared a municipal town, the only one in the country, with 8,839 inhabitants. The main tourist resources of the town – the pillars of tourism are represented by the cultural heritage and nature (the Danube river and the Fruška Gora Mountain). Sremski Karlovci is a tourist resort with a potential that has not been used substantially. This paper will try to outline the possible ways for the development of tourism in this town.

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The tourism in the Balacita piedmont


Abstract: The Bălăciţa Piedmont can not brag itself with spectacular landscapes, neither with spas, but just with a few historical sights, some oases of silence and food made in traditional Oltenian style. A close exploration of every inhabited part of the region under study shows the lack of interest of the local authorities in developing the region. It can be said that, in the studied region, in time, if the transportation infrastructure is restored, if more money is invested in sights, agritourism and ecotourism will be practicable.

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