The tourist infrastructure built during the Communist period on the Romanian seaside had a toilsome opening towards all-inclusive services, in 2023 less than 15% of the total number of hotels offering AI or AIL services. For the last 20 years, many Romanian tourists have become loyal to destinations abroad, easily accessible, some of them known to offer predominantly all-inclusive services. Using semi-structured interviews, the study analyzes the perception of a sample of Romanian tourists related to the development of the all-inclusive system on the Romanian seaside. Applying the thematic analysis procedure, 3 main themes emerged regarding the AI system: diversity, benefits for families and quality issues. Based on them, implications for managers and other stakeholders are discussed.
Read full articleTag: Liliana POPESCU
Guest books are acknowledged as a means of public dialogue and have been used as a source of information regarding visitor experiences in museums. The current paper focuses on an exploratory case study, namely the experiences visitors have at the Iron Gates Hydro-electrical power plant in Romania. According to the classification of Pekaric 1999 and using the entries in the visitor books for 12 months, the study highlights the fact that while Object experinces are dominant, there is no doubt that for quite many visitors, there is a feeling of pride and ownership obvious in their short narratives.
Read full articleThe INTERREG IPA Cross-border cooperation programme, among other numerous programmes initiated by the European Union, offers ample opportunities for cooperation and social and economic development of neighbouring countries. Within the IPA CBC Romania-Serbia programme, the eligible area for joint action and financing includes three Romanian counties and five Serbian districts, empowering various institutions, local authorities and private non-profit organizations to develop new partnerships and projects to benefit the local and regional economy. The paper aims to assess the territorial impact of the cross-border cooperation programme at the Romanian-Serbian border, with focus on the tourism sector, focusing on the economic, social and cultural outputs of the projects, such as investments, key statistical tourism data, cultural events, local community benefits. Within the two programming periods, 2007-2013 and 2014-2020, tourism was ranked among the main pillars of development, either as a measure within the first priority axis during the first period, or as a major priority axis – Attractiveness for sustainable tourism during the latter. Thus, there were financed 30 tourism related projects, totalling some 15 mil US$, where local authorities were the leader for most projects during the first programming period, while after 2014, the non-governmental organisations account for almost half of the projects leaders. Not always, the municipalities with highest inflows of finances are those with the highest increase in the number of tourists, nights spent or significant visibility.
Read full articleCurrent migration processes require special assessment and attention due to their complexity and multiple socio-economic implications. The forms of international migration have only recently intensified in Romania due to the barriers imposed by the former communist regime, but their influence on population dynamics is certainly significant and the effects on national economy and demographic vitality of the country are undeniable. Although mainly recognized as an emigration country at the beginning of the post-communist period, Romania is recently going through a period of accentuated intensification of immigrant flows.
Starting with the 1990s, the share of immigrant flows in the net international migration balance has changed in dynamics, motivations, structure, specialization, forms, spatial intensity and consequences etc. This research presents a territorialized analysis of immigration to Romania in the period comprised between 1990-2017, which presents a high mediatic and scientific interest, given the volume and importance of the phenomenon.
Alina VLĂDUŢ, Sorin AVRAM, Liliana POPESCU
Abstract: Oltenia Region has a varied natural landscape displaying all major landforms. The classical tourist offer can be thus completed by introducing the spatial evolution of the territory, by describing the mechanisms of the processes that influenced the placement and further development of different settlements or sites. In this way, tourism acquires, besides a temporal dimension, which used to be prevailing, a spatial dimension, as well, that represents the present tendency in evaluating all the activities by means of eco-compatibility. By integrating these two dimensions in the offer, there can be better evaluated the carrying capacity of the region, the tourist offer leading to the maximization of the tourist activity without surpassing the sustainability limit.
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Abstract: Following the industrialization, migration of the work force from rural to urban settlements, as well as the considerable natural increase, more towns have passed from one demographic category to another, a fact which influenced the ranking of every towns in the national and regional hierarchy. The analysis of the rank variation on long term indicates that there are four categories of towns: towns having a negative dynamics, oscillatory dynamics, positive or stable one.
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Viorica TOMESCU, Liliana POPESCU, Elisabeta CIOCAN, Cristina MARA, Ştefan NEGREANU
Abstract: The contents of the present research comprises the case studies of two areas, which are referential for the exploitation of hydrocarbons in the Amaradia Hills, with major impact on the environment: Brădeşti area, in the south-west of the region and Vârteju area, situated norther, on the Plosca brook valley, a tributary of the Amaradia river.
The paper aims at evaluating the pollution degree which affects the components of the environment, within the extraction areas of hydrocarbons, in order to point out the necessity of the precautionary measures to reduce the negative impact on the environment, all this with a view to applying the principles of sustainable development of the region.