Tag: Viorica TOMESCU

Man induced impact on the environment as a result of hydrocarbons’ exploitations within the Amaradia hills

Viorica TOMESCU, Liliana POPESCU, Elisabeta CIOCAN, Cristina MARA, Ştefan NEGREANU

Abstract: The contents of the present research comprises the case studies of two areas, which are referential for the exploitation of hydrocarbons in the Amaradia Hills, with major impact on the environment: Brădeşti area, in the south-west of the region and Vârteju area, situated norther, on the Plosca brook valley, a tributary of the Amaradia river.
The paper aims at evaluating the pollution degree which affects the components of the environment, within the extraction areas of hydrocarbons, in order to point out the necessity of the precautionary measures to reduce the negative impact on the environment, all this with a view to applying the principles of sustainable development of the region.

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Aspects regarding the modernization of the didactic technology and strategy in the upper educational system, a support in the students’ initial training as future geography teachers

Viorica TOMESCU, Cornel GOLEA, Ioan MARINESCU, Alina VLĂDUŢ, Cristina MARA

Abstract. The present paper aims at defining the concept of modernization of the didactic technology and strategy précising the sense of the two notions, respectively didactic technology and learning technical means. There are exemplified certain models of upper education didactic strategies used in the teaching-learning process with direct reference to Geography. Their purpose is the development of the cognitive interests, of knowledge accessibility, as well as to make the students sensitive, aware, and able to apply them during their pedagogical training and in their future activity in the educational field.

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