The physiological and environmental potential effects of GSM technology

Ioan Marinescu Gheorghe Curcan

The present study aims at analysing the level of exposure to non-ionizing radiation for the population of the cities. This type of EM (electromagnetic radiation) is generated mainly by GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) technology of wireless communication based on the electromagnetic emitters (GSM antennas) needed for covering wider territorial areas. They produce constant pulsed microwave radiation even when nobody is using the phone, affecting the people inside and outside public and residential buildings. The study is based on the statistical evaluation and research of relevant scientific contributions, both stressing upon UN and European Parliament Regulations. There are considered the average threshold values for non-thermal biological effects in order to establish the potential risk for harmful exposure inside cities. Finally, there are considered some prevention and minimization procedures for residential exposure as long as non-thermal effects are not considered in any official standard and guideline.

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Criteria for the thermal comfort analysis within urban ecosystems


Abstract: The understanding and evaluation of thermal comfort in urban ecosystem is a basic need for bioclimatic urban design including the green urban structures contribution. The study aims at establishing a set of criteria for the assessment and dynamic analysis of thermal conditions in close relation with extended knowledge about urban climate effects and microclimatic conditions of the city. Thermal conditions are among the factors that greatly influence human activities and behavior inside city boundaries.
The use of specific criteria for the precise measurement of physiological equivalent temperature (PET) is needed for urban thermal sensations assessment. The final outcome is concerned with the developing of a simplified methodology in order to analyze thermal comfort conditions and present them in urban climate maps for urban planning and open space design.

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Aspects regarding the modernization of the didactic technology and strategy in the upper educational system, a support in the students’ initial training as future geography teachers

Viorica TOMESCU, Cornel GOLEA, Ioan MARINESCU, Alina VLĂDUŢ, Cristina MARA

Abstract. The present paper aims at defining the concept of modernization of the didactic technology and strategy précising the sense of the two notions, respectively didactic technology and learning technical means. There are exemplified certain models of upper education didactic strategies used in the teaching-learning process with direct reference to Geography. Their purpose is the development of the cognitive interests, of knowledge accessibility, as well as to make the students sensitive, aware, and able to apply them during their pedagogical training and in their future activity in the educational field.

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