Tag: Florentina-Cristina MERCIU

Education in Bucharest City and its metropolitan area. Challenges, targets and opportunities

Florentina-Cristina MERCIU  Loreta CERCLEUX  Irina SAGHIN

Education is a key factor in economic development, in achieving jobs, social prestige, in improving the heath system, the cultural participation. Improving participation in education, reducing school dropouts, increasing the proportion of population following secondary and tertiary education are proposed solutions to reduce poverty, social exclusion, low paid jobs. The purpose of this article is to analyze the evolution of the population in terms of its inclusion in various level of education in Bucharest and its metropolitan area during the 1990-2010.

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The qualitative analysis of the workforce from the perspective of professional disease incidence in the Petrosani Depression

Florentina-Cristina MERCIU (IANCU), Ilinca-Valentina STOICA

Abstract: This paper is focused on the study of professional morbidity caused by risk factors from the mining sector in the Petroşani Depression but also on analysing its influence on the quality of the workforce. Professional diseases generated in the coal-extraction industry, belonging to the category of degenerative diseases, profoundly affect the miners’ state of health, who still form a high proportion of the active population (40%). In this context, it is necessary to correctly identify the professional risks and to take measures to limit them, as well as to initiate actions to diagnose and to treat people ill with silicosis. At the same time, the high incidence of professional disease cases also impose a series of changes in the profile and distribution of the workforce.

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The evolution of population structure in terms of age groups and gender. Case study: the Saratel drainage basin (the Buzau Subcarpathians)

Ilinca-Valentina STOICA, Florentina-Cristina MERCIU (IANCU), Andreea-Loreta CERCLEUX (CEPOIU

Abstract: The age group structure of the population in the Sărăţel drainage basin was highlighted by means of an analysis of the three big age groups: 0-14 years, 15-64 years and 65 years and older. It revealed a gradual rise in the ratio of the elderly population, the main cause being the migration of the population during the communist period, which strongly disrupted the demographic evolution of the area analyzed. The population pyramid for 2002 highlights a clear difference between the southern part of the basin (the villages of Joseni, Policiori and Scorţoasa) and the northern part (villages of Creveleşti, Ghiocari and Budeşti), suffering from strong depopulation. The sex ratio highlights a trend towards a feminization of the area, as a result of social and historic events to have influenced these settlements in the long run.

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