The study highlights the structural and lithological implications within the three morphological sectors of the Gilort hydrographic basin. Within the mountaineous sector, there are mostly obsecvent glacial cirques, since this versant, although developed on the southern flank of the main ridge anticline, descends northwards, towards the glacial cirques Groapa Mândrei-Mohoru, situated southwards of the main ridge. The obsecvent character of the cirques causes a steep aspect of the slopes and the emergence of some shelf counter-slope. Within the Subcarpathians sector, most of the landslides occur on the strata end of cuestas or subsequent at the upper parts of the torrential valleys. The typical example of landslides along the cuestas can be found along the Giovria valley, where there are also some forms of slope undercutting due to torrential erosion within Pliocene deposits, alternating with marls, clays and sands, gathered in a folded and faulted structure (Câlnic anticline). Within the piedmont sector, the slopes of the valleys that cut through the Jiu Hills are heavily affected by present modelling process, and the river beds are drown in alluvia. On the left slope of the Gilort river basin, the neotectonic movements and modelling agents dug out strips of Romanian deposits. The predominantly clayish facies of these formations has caused recent landslides on the deforested slopes from the Vladimir basin, while the relief on Pleistocene sands and gravels is affected by ravines (the left slope) and landfalls with large steep slopes (right slope).
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Lithological characteristics and structural implications for the relief within the Gilort basin (Romania)