We are publishing this article in 2023, the year when the 150th anniversary of the birth of the French geographer is celebrated, the article being a tribute to Emmanuel de Martonne’s work in Romania, especially for his contribution to the research of the Transylvanian Alps (the Southern Carpathians). Of the two doctoral theses that the French geographer elaborated on the territory of Romania, the last one, defended in 1905 and published in 1907 at the Sorbonne University in Paris, was dedicated to the geomorphological evolution of the Transylvanian Alps (the Southern Carpathians). Of the 14 field campaigns that Emmanuel de Martonne carried out in Romania, eight were carried out in the Southern Carpathians (Banat Massif, Transylvanian Massif) and in the neighboring regions closely related in their paleogeographical evolution to the Transylvanian Alps (the Subcarpathian area of Oltenia, the Subcarpathian area of Muntenia, and Mehedinți Plateau). For the French geographer, the transverse valleys of the Southern Carpathians were examples indicating the extensive tectonic movements that affected the territory of Romania in the Paleogene and Neogene. Glacial influences and relief forms in the high part of the Southern Carpathians became the main concern of the French geographer for at least a decade of research in Romania. More obviously, in some parts of the Southern Carpathians, the action of glaciation cut out specific shapes within the platform of the high peaks (Borăscu planation platform). In the research in Parâng Mountains, Emmanuel de Martonne aimed to identify some key evidence of glaciation: glacial cirques, lakes, valleys, thresholds, glacial grooves, glaciated knobs, and moraines. Above all, the French geographer believed that the general topography of the valleys and cirques is the fundamental element that certifies glaciation and the presence of lateral cirques justifies the succession of glacial periods.
Read full articleTag: Emil Marinescu
This study highlights the relationship between the dynamics of the hydrological regime in a river basin and the morphodynamic potential that appears in the context of increasing frequency and intensity of current climatic phenomena. Climate change characterized by the high frequency and intensity of torrential rains and floods, especially in the last decade, with a maximum amplitude in the summer months (June-July), alternating with periods of drought have brought to a series of geomorphological changes in the Gilort river basin. These processes are amplified by the high degree of fragmentation of the relief, by the presence of springs that feed the hydrographic network and by the important rainfall contribution to the formation of river flows. In the high mountainous area of the basin, there are a series of debris flows that have been triggered in the last ten years, during torrential rains and exceptional floods, by major changes in the land cover and by the transport of materials in the drainage section. At the exit of the mountain, the longitudinal profile of the river changes radically with the decrease of the slope, so that most of the coarse alluvium is deposited in the riverbed in the sectors of the contact depressions at the foot of the mountain. At the contact between the mountains and the Subcarpathian Depression, due to a pronounced decrease of the riverbed slope, the phenomenon of bed aggradation occurs. In this study, all these geomorphological processes are explained from the perspective of hydrological and climatic influence combined with changes in land cover.
Read full articleThe study highlights the significance of the toponyms and their use in time within the Parâng Mountains, their diversity (oiconyms, geomorphonyms, hydronyms, hodonyms, anthroponyms, hileonyms), their preservation or loss over time. An important aspect is the difference between the toponyms on cartographical materials and their location and names assigned by the locals.
Read full articleEmil Marinescu
Abstract: On the southern slope of the Parang, the glacial landforms are represented by ten small cirques developed at the head of the tributaries of the Gilort that are analysed by means of 21 morphometrical variables. Most of the cirques display a prolonged shape (popularly called zănoage). Due to their obsequent character they are well-shaped upstream. The lower step, which develops below a large threshold in most of the cases, displays a greatly inclined slope, while the contour is less obvious because of the periglacial processes. The deepening degree and the declivity of the floor impose the morphographical characteristics of the cirques. From this point of view, we mention the slope cirques within the analysed basin, developed more as surface than as depth and displaying a great slope.