Features for authors
Manuscripts may be submitted by email, together with the subscription form and the copyright-transfer form to the following e-mail address: contact [at] analegeo.ro. Please specify the author to whom correspondence should be addressed and give all available information for this person (postal and email addresses, phone and fax numbers).
The copyright-transfer form must be downloaded, filled in, signed and scanned and then sent together with the manuscript.
Papers should be written in scientific English, in a style consistent with that of the journal. The author must carefully proofread the paper in order to eliminate grammatical errors, misspellings and omission of symbols. If the native language is not English, authors should consider enlisting the help of an English-speaking colleague in preparing the text.
Normally, manuscripts are not returned to authors.
Following the peer-review process, when a manuscript is resubmitted, please include a summary of changes made and a brief response to all recommendations, by filling in the resubmission form. When resubmitting, send the complete file for the text if there have been any changes. Please state whether or not the figures and tables have been modified and supply the new electronic versions if there have been such changes. In case the contact information of the corresponding author has changed, please update it.
Authors are notified by electronic mail if their paper has been accepted for publication in the journal.
Manuscript preparation – technical guidelines
Authors are advised to use standard Windows fonts in any Word document, since the use of an unusual font may render the editorial team unable to properly convert the Word document to PDF for viewing.
Style Instructions for Parts of a Manuscript
Title. Titles must be simple and concise. The use of nonstandard abbreviations and acronyms is not allowed. Authors should avoid using unnecessary words (a, on, an, the, etc.) at the beginning of the title.
Author(s) name(s). Authors should use only one form of their name in all of their publications. The names of authors may be listed in any order in the byline between the title and abstract. The author who submits the paper should ensure that all persons listed as authors approve the inclusion of their names, and check that the form of each name is the one normally used by that author.
Authors with Arabian, Chinese, Japanese or Korean names may choose to have their names published in their own language alongside the English versions of their names in the author list of their publications.
Author(s) affiliation(s). The names and postal addresses of all institutions should be written in full. The e-mail address of at least the corresponding author should be listed.
Receipt date. The received date indicates the date the manuscript was received by the scientific secretary. This date will be verified by the editor and will appear in the printed and on-line version of the paper.
Abstract. An abstract of up to 300 words must accompany each manuscript. The abstract must be a concise summary of the whole paper, not just the conclusions, so that it can be understandable without reference to the rest of the paper. It cannot contain numbered references.
Key words. Include up to 5 key words that describe the paper for indexing purposes.
Main body of the paper. The body of the paper should be divided into sections with the use of section headings and subheadings. Please check the on-line form.
Figures. Figures should be planned for the column width of the journal. If the detail shown requires it, 1.5 or 2 columns may be used. All figures must be prepared so that the details can be seen after reproduction. They must have a clear background and unbroken lines with as much black-white contrast as possible. Avoid small open symbols that tend to fill in, small dots and decimal points. The resolution of the figure should be set as high as possible (preferably no less than 300 dpi or higher).
Figures should be numbered in the order in which they are referred to in the text. Each figure must have a caption that makes it intelligible without reference to the text. Text should be placed in the caption, not on the figure. Groups of figures that share a (single) caption must be labeled “(a), (b),” etc.
In order to reproduce figures, tables, etc., from another journal, authors must show that they have complied with the requirements of the publisher of the other journal, including the written agreement of both publisher and author of the originally published work.
Colour Figures. Some figures might be more effective in colour. The cost of printing colour illustrations, which may be significant responsible (please check with the Editorial board the pricing and payment policy of the journal), must be borne in full by the respective authors. Authors should consider whether they wish colour figures in print or whether colour online only and greyscale in print will be adequate. Electronic figures submitted in colour (PostScript or EPS, Jpg preferred) will be published online in colour at no extra charge to authors. However, since greyscale images printed from colour figures do not generally have monotonic greyscales, authors should ensure that the figure will be sufficiently clear in both versions. If colour figures are desired in the print version of the journal, the author must clearly indicate which figures are intended to be printed in colour as part of the submission process.
If at all necessary in the text, equations should be numbered consecutively with bracketed Arabic numerals in the right hand margin. Attention must be paid to sub- and superscript symbols, and upper and lower case letters.
Measurements must all be given in the S I metric system. In exceptional cases, other measurements may be allowed in brackets. Abbreviations do not take a plural form and are not followed by a full stop.
Acknowledgements. A final acknowledgments paragraph may be used to recognize named individuals who contributed scientifically to the specific research of the paper, to cite the funding agencies that provided financial support for the work. It should be simple and may not be a dedication or memorial. References to memberships, positions, titles, and awards are inappropriate.
Reference style. Analele Universitatii din Craiova. Seria Geografie uses the ‘Harvard’ system. References should be quoted in the text as the authors’ names (no initials) and year (and specific pages only in the case of quotation) and listed at the end of the paper alphabetically. All references must be complete and accurate. Where reference is made to more than one work by the same author published in the same year, identify each citation in the text as follows: (Clarke, 2008a), (Clarke, 2008b). Where three or more authors are listed in the reference list, please cite in the text as (Clarke et.al., 2008). Where possible, the DOI for the reference should be included at the end of the reference.
References should be set out as follows:
Papers: JOHNSON RM., WARBURTON, J. (2002): ‘Flooding and geomorphic impacts in a mountain torrent: Raise Beck, Central Lake District, England’, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 27: 945-969. DOI: 10.1002/esp.386
Books: HUGGETT, R.J. (2002): Fundamentals of geomorphology, Routledge, New York
Edited books: HALL, D., ROBERTS, L., MITCHELL, M. (ed.) (2005), New Directions in Rural Tourism, Ashgate Publishing Limited, England
Chapters of books: OLIVER, T., JENKINS, T. (2005), ‘Integrated Tourism in Europe’s Rural Destinations: Competition or Cooperation’, in HAVEN-TANG, C., JONES, E. (eds.): Tourism SMEs, Service Quality and Destination Competitiveness, CAB International, pp. 25-38
Other publications: When there is doubt (e.g. theses, occasional papers etc.) include all bibliographic details.
Titles of periodicals should always be spelled out in full. The name of the publisher and the place of publication should always be given when books are referred to.