Tag: the Bailesti Plain

Rural morphological structures within the Bailesti plain


Abstract: The rural settlements within the Băileşti Plain highlights in the geographical landscape by specific features which give its individuality. The characteristics of its natural background (the high rate of the smooth surfaces, low relief intensity, biologicalpedological-climatic conditions etc.), social-historical conditions and human-induced activities gave the villages certain morphological-structural features, which harmonize with the general features of rural settlements within plains. The morphological structure of the villages within the analyzed area is gathered, with households concentrated within the well outlined and clearly delimited boundaries of the heartlands from the economic territory (the estate). We can emphasize the following subtypes: agglomerated, concentrated or compact villages. From the poin of view of the physiognomy of the heartland, the villages possess a regular-polygonal form (44.6%), an irregular-polygonal one (41.4%) and an elongatedpolygonal form (14.2%). Concerning the disposing of the street network, the villages with regular, irregular and mixed texture are characteristic for plainlands.

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Current changes in the structure of agricultural fields use in the rural geographical area of the Bailesti plain


Abstract: The Băileşti Plain, a physico-geographical subunit of the Oltenia Plain ranges among the regions of the country where the agricultural branch clearly dominates as an economic activity. The favorability of the natural background allowed the outline of a landed macrostructure in which the main percentage is held by the agricultural fields, which represents more than 81% of its total area.
Along the years, there have been transformations in the agricultural fields usage, passings of some lands from one usage category to another, a process owed either to excessive behaviours of some natural factors (floods, drought, erosion), or to antropical action (land improvement workings and land organization, measures of haphazard economic policies or legislative-administrative ones etc.). Between 1989-2006, in the context of slight diminution of the agricultural surface (from 167,833 ha to 164,325 ha), there have been different evolutions for each component category of use: the arable land diminished with 878 ha, the lands occupied by orchards and trees nurseries with 765 ha, the pastures and natural hay fields areas with 3,409 ha while vineyards and vineyards nurseries areas registered increasings with about 1470 ha.

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